Popular Routes
What is your selection, here?Note: while you may view the OS map, and plot a route on it, the Auto-Plot engine uses the OSM data. To have absolute control, select OFF and plot exactly where you want.
I have just subscribed to the premium version because I could not use a public footpath using the basic mapping. I can now use OS maps which clearly show the footpath I want to use but autoplot walking ignores it and routes me by roads. The ability to create routes offroad was my prime reason for purchasing the premium version but it seems I may have wasted my money.
Am I missing something?
Good evening, I have searched for this topic but have been unable to find anything regarding it. I am trying to plot a trail run on some local trails but no matter how hard I try the line "snaps" to the nearest road avoiding the trails all together. Other trails in the vicinity I have no issue with. Causes? Suggestions?