Chunks of a route in a different orderFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    RAF RAPTORS PARAMOTORING Monday 01 Aug 2022 17:43:37

    I have a round British route that will not be completed in a circular fashion, but in chunks across the country due to the wind direction. Is this possible and if so how? 

    I still need to track distance and keep a log of the route 

    cheers - Andrew 

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 02 Aug 2022 08:25:12

    Sorry Andrew, I'm not clear what you're asking. You can plot a route anywhere on the map by turning off the Auto-Plot switch. We don't have any tracking/log features, apart from our Challenge Tracker, which may be useful for you.

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    RAF RAPTORS PARAMOTORING Tuesday 02 Aug 2022 15:01:08


    i have a challenge tracker for the whole coast of Britain, which we intent to fly around. We use the check in feature to update our location along the route. However, as we are flying we are driving from the north west coast to Cornwall to fly the sout coast as the wind and weather is better.  When I next check in, I am assuming the route tracker will think I have flown the whole of the coast to that point, when in fact I want to do that section of the uk, hence the chunks question. 

    Hope that makes sense? 


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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 03 Aug 2022 12:33:46

    Ah, I understand! I'm afraid it's not possibe to show non-contiguous sections of the route as completed, only how far through the route you are assuming you are doing it as plotted.

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