Popular Routes
Ah, I was missing the "press the tracker icon to restart navigation". It may be worth adding this "changing maps when naviating" to the page How To Navigate A Route Using The Plotaroute App - plotaroute.com
I guess I can still argue my case :) I agree, another button would cover some of the map, but maybe there could be 4 at the bottom where there are now 3?
That's "dead" area, anyway. I wonder how much the +/- buttons are used, I would have thought people are pinch-zooming etc. Those buttons are also bigger and have no transparency, when compared to the buttons on the normal map page.
Slightly off-topic, I know, but it's good to think about these things!By the way, the - button partly covers the map scale ......Mark
It should only take 4 button presses to change maps types when in navigation mode not 8: press X to exit navigation, press the map type button, select the map type you want, press the tracker icon to restart navigation. Adding an extra button on the map would save 2 but would permenently cover up some of the map.
OK, understood!
I can't find just 2 button presses, it takes me 8 with a swipe, so I must be missing something!
I must admit, though, it wasn't obvious how to change maps once I'd started navigating .... The OS map only zooms-in a particular distance, and doesn't show some detail like the OSM maps do. I often find myself moving between the 2 types, more often when walking than cycling.
Thanks for that suggestion Mark. I guess the trade-off here is whether most people would prefer to have a less cluttered map (as it would mean adding another button) versus saving 2 button presses to change map types. I think we assumed that people would not change map types very often, but we'd be interested in what others think.
When navigating a route on the Mobile App, the option to change the map is not available. You have to set the map type before starting to navigate, which requires stopping/re-startingt navigation.
Any chance of adding this functionaility, please?