Option to set default map type?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Garry Perratt   Monday 28 Jun 2021 18:44:18

    I hope I'm not being dim and missing an existing option but it would be helpful to be able to set the default map type when opening routes.

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    plotaroute admin   Tuesday 29 Jun 2021 09:08:59

    Thanks for that suggestion Garry. There isn't an option for this at present, but we've added it to our Feature Requests list where people can vote for it.

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    Geoff Moss   Tuesday 19 Oct 2021 12:29:58

    Agreed....PlotaRoute is very good but having to choose a map every time is boring!

    I spend my time in the hills so always want to see trails and contours. The default streetmap is no use. I want the setting to stick when I'm sharing routes too. I want the recipient to see the right map without having to select it.

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    Mark Worthington   Tuesday 19 Oct 2021 13:53:11

    Strange. My desptop app is remembering my map selection between sessions. Uplaoded a GPX, set Cycle Map. Shut down PR, re-sytarted and it's still Cycle Map.

    Let me re-boot .....

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    Mark Worthington   Tuesday 19 Oct 2021 14:07:00

    after re-boot .... still Cycle Map

    Ah, but that's the main plotting page (Edit). I think you are referring to Viewing (as in My Routes/View) .... agreed, Street Map is the default.

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    Geoff Moss   Thursday 21 Oct 2021 09:49:39

    Yes please and for sharing routes too. I want the 'share' recipient to see the right map without having to navigate the map layers. They might not be so familiar with route planners, map layers etc.

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 21 Oct 2021 10:22:09

    Thanks for your feedback Geoff.

    It probably wouldn't be commercially viable for us to offer sharing of routes with any map type, as we provide route sharing for free and some map types are very costly. We might be able to offer a cut down list of options for sharing. We've added this to the Feature Requests list (number 127) where people can vote for it.

    With regards to a default map type to use when you view a route, we may be able to apply the same approach as we do on the route planner, where it remembers the last map tpye you selected. If this is something we can do easily we'll try to add this when we next do work on the route viewer.


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    Geoff Moss   Friday 12 Nov 2021 02:06:58

    Thanks for replying...a refreshing change from many services. 10/10. Just discovered you. It's a great route plotter. Keep up the good work.

    I meant with your existing maps. I'd like my account to always default to the 'Trails' map. I'd like any shared route to always default to the 'Trails' map for the recipient.

    I'm a hillwalker. I will nearly always want to be using the OSM-based 'Trails' topo map.

    Currently, every time I go to plotaroute I first need to select the Trails map. I also need to include a note to any 'share' recipient explaining which map they should view the route on.

    Nakarte.me include the map-type in the link.
    eg Here's the OS 1:25k map for the Fisherfield 6 in Scotland: https://nakarte.me/#m=15/57.71794/-5.34592&l=O/Gbt
    ...and here's the OpenTopoMap for the same spot https://nakarte.me/#m=15/57.71794/-5.34592&l=Otm

    I can be confident you'll see a topo map with GaiaGPS too

    topo map with Locus map as well

    But plotaroute defaults to the standard contour-free OpenStreetMap: Fisherfield 6 - 39km Walking Route near Dundonnell (ID: 1690158) (plotaroute.com)


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    plotaroute admin   Friday 12 Nov 2021 08:56:00

    Thanks for that additional feedback Geoff. I'm glad to hear you like the site.

    We're going to make some changes so that the Route Viewer remembers the last map type you selected, so then you won't need to change this each time. This already happens in the Route Planner, but not when viewing a route.

    When it comes to specifying a map type to use when sharing a route, this is on our Feature Requests list (number 127), so if anyone would like to see us add this as an option, please vote for this on the Feature Requests page (at present it doesn't have any votes, so it's hard to prioritise this above other requests that people have made).  

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    Garry Perratt   Sunday 14 Nov 2021 09:54:58

    "We're going to make some changes so that the Route Viewer remembers the last map type you selected, so then you won't need to change this each time. This already happens in the Route Planner"

    It doesn't for me - I always have to change from Street Map to OS.

    However, I've just tested setting the planner to Trails, saving, viewing then going back to planner and I get Trails. So is my different observed behaviour due to OS being a premium map type?

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    plotaroute admin   Monday 15 Nov 2021 09:28:39

    Yes, that's right Garry. We'll have a look to see if we can change this. 

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    mikhail kamentsev   Saturday 20 Nov 2021 02:04:30


    I see 2 different problems here

    Default map for the user creating maps and default map for a specific route

    The second ( used to be present in the links, then for some reason it was removed from the interfaces, but it works. For example



    you specify to open with topo type

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    plotaroute admin   Saturday 20 Nov 2021 10:48:00

    You're welcome to modify the link with a "maptype" extension when sharing a route if you like (as per Mikhail's post below), but this is currently an unofficial feature, so we can't guarantee it will always work. These are the maptype values that currently work, so for example add "&mapype=terrain" to the link:

    • Street Map - map
    • Terrain Map - terrain
    • Satellite Map - sat
    • Hybrid Map - hybrid
    • Trails Map - paths
    • World Topo Map - wtopo
    • Transport Map - transport
    • Cycle Map - cycle

    We're planning on reviewing the route sharing features to provide more control over how a shared route map initially loads - at present you can only choose the units but we want to add more options like map type,  animation speed, line colour and map features like distance markers, direction arrows, etc. However, we're in the process of migrating to a new mapping platform for one of our map providers at present, so we need to wait until this is complete before doing this.

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    Rick Beman   Friday 18 Nov 2022 07:37:25

    Looks like a few of the maptype options work.  It sure would be nice if sat or hybrid was available for my shared maps.  I know I can "print" with the sattelite view included so that's a fallback option.  Thanks for considering it.

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