Can I map a route as I walk it?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 17 Jun 2021 08:51:11

    Hi Lynne - we don't currently have a facility to do this, but it is something we hope to develop at some point. It is on our Feature Requests list (number 25), so you can add your vote for this if you like on the Feature Requests page). 

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    Lynne Hayward Thursday 17 Jun 2021 07:05:19

    This would be useful I'd I'm joining an organised walk so I can do it again or share with a friend in the mobile or tablet version.

    I have used *Map My Walk" but would be good to use my premium subs within one app.

    Maybe it's in Plotaroute already but I find some of the complex terminology confusing as I'm not an advanced user.

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