Popular Routes
Hi John,
There appears to be a cattle grid at the first location, so that is why you can't plot By Bike past this point. If you select Open Street Map as the Map Type and zoom right in you should see a symbol there. You would need to turn off the Auto-Plot switch to plot over ther cattle grid.
I can't reproduce the second issue. Can you share the coordinates of the point your plotting from and the point you are trying to plot to, and also the Auto-Plot setting you are using?
same problem on Windows if you turn on the road bike routing. Apologies for the confusion (in too much of a hurry ..)
update: Appears to be confined my linux PC (using either Firefox 80.0 or chromium). Windows 10 (Firefox 80.0.1) is working just fine.
I can't tell if this is related the new bike autorouting options, or some other issue, but I'm having problems plotting a route. Although a section of road looks continous, the routing algorithm believes there is a break and sends the route on a detour.
For example, if i go to 55.396307, -2.244432, start a route with bike autorouting on and then try to click near the bridge 50m NW. I end up with a 32km detour. The obvious workaround is to locate the "break" and manually route over it, but its a pain if it happens too often.
Also, when the route gets to the junction with an A class road at 55.307551, -2.348102, autorouting gives up all together. "Sorry, we were unable to auto-plot to this point as it is outside of our coverage area. You will need to turn off the Auto-Plot switch to plot here."