Popular Routes
To say: By ctrl < > (= free) ( < > and shift < > and up down arrow is already reserved for moving the map)
Good idea Willy, thanks for this suggestion.
We've now added Keyboard Shortcuts that you can use for fine control over the location of the position marker when adding or relocating directions in the route planner (Shift+← and Shift+→). Thanks again for the suggestion.
Hi John.
I had a test on both Mac and by (virtual box) Windows. Using Chrome browser.
I suppose my operation technique is ok, but seems not to give the expected position marker shift result. My mistake ?
1. Test by Arrow only: Moves the map 2. By Shift + Arrow: Moves the map by bigger steps. Both as was the standard behaviour before. Suggest pse keep.
(Ctrl+Arrow is still free)
Thanks for testing this out. It looks like you need to click off the map for it to work - we hadn't spotted that, i.e. if your last mouse click was somewhere on the map, shift+arrow will move the map, but if your last mouse click was anywhere else on the page it should work fine. We'll have another look at it to see if we can find a way to overcome this.
This is great inititive, but I also have problem to get shift+arrow to 'grab' the slider (and not move the map).
Sometimes it works and sometimes not, but I've not been able to get exactly when.
If I open an existing route in edit mode, shift arrow can be used to move the slider. After I've resized or moved the map with the mouse, do not move the slider, sh-arrow also move the map.
This is great for adding directions, but I also would like a shortcut for adding an anchor to be able to use the slider better when adding anchors when route passes the same place.
We've made some tweaks - it should hopefully be working OK now.
Yes, now It seems to work all the time.
If I move the slider to one position and then chose '+ Add' in Directionspanel, the slider moves to a an earlier place. Is it possible to have the Add-direction function to adapt the position of the slider?
Or maybe this tool is only available as Premium Feature (Short cuts) ?
Yes, sorry, Keyboard Shortcuts are a Premium feature.
Aha ok. No problem. :-)
Went through a couple of routes and edited directions (added, relocated, fixed symbols). It's working really well now on laptop. I'm just worried that new users don't see the possibility. Maybe a text label that it's possible to fine tune by shotcuts.
That's good to hear, thanks Peter. There should be a tooltip shown when you hover over the position slider at the top of the map - this shows the keyboard shortcuts that you can use to move the slider, so hopefully people will spot this. We've also added them to our How-To Guide on Using Keyboard Shortcuts.
Is it just me, or does this feature just not work as advertised?!I cannot relocate a direction to exactly where I want to on a route. I can add a point but teh direction still does not go there.
Also, if a route is re-plotted, the direction diasappear if the route no longer passses "underneath" it. The direction appears to be a fuarure of teyh map and not teh route, ie it's not locked to the route.
Route plotting on a PC .....