Popular Routes
I think there must he some software on your Mac that is interfering with the routing request. Can you try temporarily disabling any browser add-ons or security software you are using? I'd also suggest trying an alternative browser.
Appreciate your reply. However, I am zoomed in as close as I can go, I have tried all available maps types, and am using short route segments, but I still cannot get it to work. I keep getting this error message:
Sorry - we were unable to outo-plot to this point. Please turn off the Auto-Plot switch to continue plotting.
I don't normally have location services enabled on my Mac, but have switched it on (and Plotaroute knows where I am) but the error still keeps coming.
I'd appreciate any more suggestions you have to get this to work.
It's working OK on a Mac here Andy. Try the following tips:
I'm using a Mac. The autoplot function will not work - I keep getting an error saying "unable to autoplot to this point" in road/foot/bike modes. My only option is to switch off autoplot, which means I get straight lines between the points I plot - the route will not follow roads etc.
I have tried clearing the cache, I have tried switching off and restarting the computer, but nothing works.
In the meantime, the functionality is fine on my ipad, so the problem is obviously something to do with the Mac.
Any suggestions?