Ideas to make plotting on Road Bikeable roads easierFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 06 Nov 2019 08:48:36

    Thanks for this feedback Pierre - glad you're enjoyign using the site. I think an Auto-Plot option "By Road Bike" would be great idea. The question is whether it's feasible. I think we could do possibly do this with the OSM routing engine we use but I don't think Google's routing service supports this option.  It would also depend on the data quality on the OSM database. We'll put it on the list to look into.

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    Pierre Chartier   Tuesday 05 Nov 2019 14:19:06


    Great web site I use very often for planning my bike (road and mountain bike) routes and hikes.

    One of the rare issues I face is with “road bikeable” routes. I like the “road bikeable” overlay, but It happened to me several times either to end up on a gravel path (not bikeable) or (less frequently) on a road where bikes are forbidden.

    Gravel path happen when I use the auto plot for “bikes”, (but apparently it is designed for mountain bikes).

    Forbidden roads happen when I use auto plot for road to avoid the previous issue.

     Ideas for improvement :


    • Have a “road bike” auto plot
    • If not possible, the easiest solution would be to “just” make the “road bikeable” overlay more readable : in the current version, the gray color showing if the road is road bikeable is not very visible once you have plotted a route on it.
    • Another idea would be to have several colors on the route: the usual blue if the path is on a road bikeable road, yellow if the path if it is on dirt paths and in red if on a road forbidden to bikes (only two colors would be fine as well)
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