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    Carlo Baldissera   Tuesday 06 Aug 2019 09:16:53

    I would like to make adding Directions/notes simpler, instead of typing the text and then choose the symbol (an option that should remain), something that makes the process faster using the standard "course-point" (not the Waypoints) of Garmin. One-click on one of the Garmin course-point symbol, mainly "Left; Right; Stright; Sharp-left; Sharp_right; slight-left; slight_right; summit; valley; water", automatically fills the note text.

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    Julia Westerberg   Wednesday 26 Aug 2020 20:47:51

    Perhaps no one else is having this problem and it may be a simple solution but i can't seem to do it.  When i print out Directions/Notes along with the map, the tont size is too large.  How do I fix it?

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    Julia Westerberg   Wednesday 26 Aug 2020 21:13:15

    Back again.  It seems i can only reduce the size of the font if i reduce the map which i don't want to do.  Is there a way to print out the Direcitons/Notes with a smaller font without having to reduce the size of the map?

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    plotaroute admin   Friday 28 Aug 2020 09:28:14

    Are you using the print option from your browser's menu Julia?  This could be the cause. You need to select the PRINT option in plotaroute (select PRINT from the menu above the map when viewing the route), which will generate a PDF document that you can print. 

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    Julia Westerberg   Friday 28 Aug 2020 20:29:15

    to plotaroute admin -- yes, that was my problem although i was sure i had tried that too but apparently not.  Thanks.

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