Two step closedown feature.FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 23 May 2019 10:10:09

    Hi Frank, thanks for this suggestion, however this shouldn't really be needed as the route planner is designed to save your work in your browser, so next time you load the route planner you should be asked if you want to reload your unsaved route. Have a look out for this when you start the route planner.


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    Frank Pane Thursday 23 May 2019 00:26:29

    Hi Plotaroute staff. Can you place a two step closedown feature (like saving an email in drafts) on your software to prompt users to consider that they are about to lose the work they have done by accidently clicking the X. This has happened to me twice recently and it's very frustrating to have to re-plot the entire course again!



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