Popular Routes
A new bike path has been opened up in our area. It's shown on Open Cycle Maps, but not Google yet. For some reason, when I try to plot a route along the new trail, it stops plotting with about a mile yet to go. If I try to continue the plot, it routes me back on the freeway! Link: Riverfront Trail
Any suggestions?
Hi Steve - the routing database updates lag slightly behind the map updates so it could be a few weeks before you can auto-plot on the new path. For now you'll need to turn the auto-plot switch off to plot along this path.
Is there a official place to notify your company of new paths/trails? Two small but very significant trails have been opend in Memorial Park in Houston, Texas. The park is the #1 running destination in town. The new paths go over the two newly opened "land bridges" that go over a major roadway (Memorial Drive) and connect the trails on the north side of the park with those on the south side. Just paid for Premium Membership - I want to support your work on enhancements.
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for taking out Premium membership and for your support.
We don’t actually own or maintain any maps ourselves. Most of the maps we use, including the ones in your post, are from OpenStreetMap (OSM), which is created and maintained by the general public using local knowledge, so anyone can make changes to this. We can't make changes on other people's behalf I'm afraid, but if you want to make changes yourself you can do so by creating a free OSM account and using their map editor. It’s quite easy to use, but we have some examples here: How To Correct Map Errors