Popular Routes
Hi, I ploted a route online for cycling and would like to download it to my cell phone. Is this possible? If so, how do I do it? Also, once in my phone does it give audio commands while I am riding? (upcoming turns, etc). I am not tech savvy so the simpler explanation the better. Thanks!!
You would need a mobile navigation app for this that allows you to import routes from GPS files, which you can download from plotaroute.com. We don't have one of our own but there are a number in the app stores.
I know you said "iphone" in the heading so if you only have an Apple I don't know what apps are available BUT if you also hven an Android phone, then this link will help ... https://www.plotaroute.com/posts/2195/D/1
Hi John,
You suggested a mobile navigation app that would allow me to import routes from a GPS file. Do you have any suggestions for any particular app? Is there one that happens to work best with PlotaRoute?
Hi Shari - I'm afraid I don't regularly use one so can't offer many suggestions, but I quite like the simplicity of BikeGPX.