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    Paolo De Luca Tuesday 09 Nov 2021 17:07:33

    A club page or account would be really useful as a lot of running or cycling clubs have a number of coaches that share routes between one another. So multiple admins for an account, a premium membership with unlimited private routes would be a bonus.

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 10 Oct 2019 10:31:09

    Thanks for these suggestions Chris.  We'd certainly like to add some club/group features to the site at some point, so this is really helpful.  


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    Chris Tomkins Tuesday 08 Oct 2019 21:32:22

    I'm part of a Cycling UK club and we would definitely benefit from a club page which allowed you to do the following:

    - Brand the club page with your logo/a picture

    - Have one or more defined admins who can manually add club members to the group or approve/reject requests to join the group

    - Have a page which shows routes from all users in your group (would be great if you could see them on a map too)

    - Have a mechanism for showing approved/recommend routes (perhaps based on a tag)

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    Michael Budds Thursday 15 Dec 2016 16:48:33

    Hi John,


    Thanks for your reply, I weren't expecting a reply so quick! Yes that's pretty much how it works in where you would have a nominated admin of the group who pretty much looks after the infomation contained within(routes, future rides etc) and other's can comment and contribute to the group page. It's a popular feature within Strava and all the guys I ride with are joined into the group page which also can have a group banner/photo attached as well as the ability to add photo's etc.


    I don't want to come across as a Strava basher, but I've been a premium subscriber for over 2 years and I really see little value in it over a standard free account anymore, on top of that everything takes so bloody long to either be acknowledged and considered, my biggest gripe is(surprised surprise) the "beta" route planner which is pretty much the same as when it was launched and nothing seems to have changed in that time...what's more worrying is they have a revenue from subcribers which is quite sizeable.

    I really like this site, it provides so much more detail not just in the ride planning, but also when sending the routes to other people it provides simple but also clear stats which I really love ;-) The video playback of the route is also a great idea and having the ability to easily search for other people's ride and also download them to ride is great as well.





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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 15 Dec 2016 14:03:37

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for this feedback.  Glad to hear you like the site.

    I'll add your suggestion of Group/Club features to our Feature Requests list. I'm not a Strava user so I'm not familiar with how Strava does this.  Is the Club page looked after by a nominated 'admin' user or can anyone in ther group share routes and events on the page?


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    Michael Budds Wednesday 14 Dec 2016 21:56:29


    I've finally decided to ditch the Strava route builder and come back to using this website as it's far better featured, and not in beta unlike Strava which has been for over 2 years now and still not much has changed in that time!


    Could it be possible to replicate the group feature Strava has in where you can add members and share public/private routes with each other and also have club announcement notices of a planned ride with the date and time and route shown like Strava currently does?? This is really the only feature I like. Apologies if this has been mentioned before or does exist in some way, I've only just came back here!





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