Popular Routes
Thanks John - such demonstrates also the useful suggestion by Rob Williams @ Tuesday 27 Aug 2019 13:37:41
Great job of yours but I wish you have all ANTSDK course_points available.
Also, my suggestion is Plotaroute to set which points would be a simple waypoint( when exporting as gpx and what would be a course_point(when exporting as .tcx or .fit) and not mix "Turn Arrow" and "Symbol" because if you use both the result is unpredictable.
That´s mainly because some devices like Fenix 5x only accepts 50 course_points. (to all: keep in mind that if you choose to set an advanced warning in a given distance that will double your actual number of cours_points in the file) so in my case I could only have 25.
Hi admins,
Three years on and I now see more matching symbol types between Plotaroute and Garmin Connect:
Is it possible to convert these symbols as well when syncing routes to Garmin Connect courses ?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Admins.
Can you provide list of supported "Garmin coursepoints" (0 to 25 - list is just below) by plotaroute ?
Is this pdf what you are asking for? My cheat sheet:
Fit File Course Point vs Plotaroute Symbols