Find a route with a similar elevation profileFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Wes Plate Monday 20 Apr 2015 17:35:03

    I'm training for a relay race and was thinking it might be fun to practice similar distances with similar elevation profiles. I know plotaroute can show me the elevation profile of a route, but it would be pretty neat to create a route based on distance and a desired elevation profile.


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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 22 Apr 2015 11:21:28

    Hi Wes - Sounds like a great idea, thanks for the suggestion.  I think that could be very tricky to deliver though.  I'll add it to the list to think about.



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    Wes Plate Sunday 03 Jan 2016 23:09:00

    I need this again. At least the ability to choose a target total ascent. For example, Let's say I want a 5 mile route with 1600 feet of elevation gain.

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 06 Jan 2016 09:52:25

    Hi Wes - I'll see if we can move this up the list for investigation.  Filtering the route finder by total ascent may be something we can do.  You can already do this on the Browse Routes page by specifying a maximum ascent as a filter and then sorting the results to show the hilliest routes first, but this is a list based seacrh rather than a map based search, so you would need to specify the place you want to start from to narrow the search.


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    Manuel Furio Ferrero Tuesday 26 Jul 2016 13:10:54

    Me too.

    I'd really love to see a way to parametrize the map me a route feature for elevation. I live near a hill and I'm a runner, I'd like to have the site to map me a flat route or a hilly route for different traning effects.

    You already let the user choose is the route should be for running or walking or cycling and if it should be from A to B or circular, why not adding the maximum elevation?

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 27 Jul 2016 09:16:30

    Thanks for the suggestion Manuel but unfortunately I think that would be technically very difficult to achieve.  We use 3rd party routing services to help deliver the Make Me a Route feature and are restricted to a large degree by the options that these services provide.  


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    Wes Plate Monday 22 Mar 2021 23:28:18

    The desire for this has come up again. I would like to train on some hills that are similar to a race that's coming up. Surely there are hills with similar gain/distance. Just need to find them! :) 

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    plotaroute admin   Wednesday 24 Mar 2021 09:54:00

    Hi Wes,

    We're going to add a Total Ascent column to the route finder search results in our next update to the desktop site (due to be released next week), so hopefully this should help as you can then sort the results by ascent. If you combine this with the filtering options, which already include a broad ascent rate (Flat, Undulating or Hilly) as well as distance, you should be able to narrow down the list of contenders. For reference, Flat is < 5m of ascent per mile, Undulating is 5m-20m per mile, Hilly is > 20m per mile.

    However, I'm not sure if you're aware, but you can already sort the route finder results by Ascent on the mobile app, as well as using various filters. The sort and filter buttons are at the bottom on the screen in the List view of the search results.  

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