How to ruin a great website... FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Sunday 08 Mar 2015 11:59:45

    Thanks for your feedback David.  We're only a small setup so unfortunately it's not feasible for us to develop lots of different designs for different devices at present.  Our main focus is on designing for the desktop as we feel that this is the most suitable platform for using a tool like a route planner, which depends on accurate pointing.

    I would recommend using the site in landscape mode on a tablet though, as this will give you a larger map.  You could also try using our mobile route planner on your tablet - this currently has no adverts and you may find this easier to use on a touch device anyway.  To switch to the mobile site use this click the Mobile Site link at the bottom of the page.

    We would also be happy to consider introducing a subscription option with no adverts if there is interest in this.



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    David Lovell Saturday 07 Mar 2015 15:16:17

    OK third attempt - here (I hope) is a screenshot of the desktop site from my 8in tablet, which illustrates the ad hiding 1/3 of the screen, as described in my initial post:

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    David Lovell Saturday 07 Mar 2015 14:55:00

    Here's the screenshot showing the ad relating to my post above...



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    David Lovell Saturday 07 Mar 2015 14:18:29

    Nice sunny day so I just opened plotaroute on my tablet to plan a walk. But to my dismay, I now have a huge ad banner down the entire RH side of my screen (desktop site). It's the full height of the screen and â…“ of the width. In short, it makes the website unusable. Maps on a screen only work if the area is maximised so this kills it. 


    I realise you have to have some advertising but not like this! Ads which ruin the underlying website would seem to be counter productive. Back to Google maps....? 

    Huge ad hiding â…“ of screen

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