Popular Routes
Hi John,
Yes, the TCX file has them, so I guess it is something to do with the way the Garmin is reading them. I actually also tried with GPX files, and found that a GPX track (not route) does produce an elevation profile on the Garmin. I'm not really sure what the other costs/benefits of using a GPX v's TCX are, but I guess I will proceed with GPX files.
Don't know why I just can't get it to work. I have a Edge820. So I follow your instruction to download the GPX file. I connect my Edge to my PC but I do not know where to copy the file to. In the end, I don't know where I copied to but it became my activities as though I have already riden it.
Hi Allan - there are instructions for where to copy the file to at the start of this topic. I would recommend downloading as a TCX file rather than GPX for the Edge 820.
John, I will try that. Thx.
Do you have a list of all sat navs that the routes can be downloaded to?
Thanks, Louise
Like the ease of use on setting up routes and the mapping so going to use this for sure. Thanks you
course points
Have uploaded a number of routes to a word 10 document but they differ in terms of clarity despite all looking the same when first uploaded to a desktop folder.
Any suggestions on how to resolve much appreciated
I have a brand new edge 830 and i cannot see how i import aplotaroute into garmin Connect and then to my device- so far unimpressed with the whole situation as wasted 2 hours trying to figure it out ! any help for someone who is not that technically minded ( at least not these days when the abacus was around maybe!)
Hi Mike - have a look at our guide to downloading routes to Garmin devices - this contains detailed instructions. As a Premium member you can also use our Garmin Sync feature, to automatically transfer selected routes.