Route Details

Two Counties Loop To Codnor Castle

by dorothy Baxter
5 years ago
Near Jacksdale, GB
Starting in Nottinghamshire at Jacksdale Community Center Car Park, exit on foot at the back of the car park through Wharf Green, past picnic area.
1st right head towards bridge across the River Erewash , Cromford Canal will be in front of you, turn Left onto canal towpath.
You are now in Derbyshire.
As you are crossing the end of the canal via wooden walkway enter Erewash Nature Reserve over style on LEFT .
This is a wet/damp route even in Summer, so care is needed. Follow path keeping woods on your right then across marsh land and then semi-open fields until you reach buildings/Kennels on your right, at end of this section turn right onto Boat Lane.
At the top of Boat Lane turn right onto Castle Lane, follow this lane, passing farm buildings on right, continue on until second large dairy building on right, Codnor castle & castle farm is on right.
To the left of these gates there is a style which leads into the field and gives you a view of Codnor Castle the Public footpath goes across the field with Castle to the right. To complete the loop, continue on down to the style to the Left in the hedge, or straight down to the hedge at the bottom of this field through wooden kissing gate then crossing planks across the ditch.
Either route brings you out onto the track running downhill, turn right head downhill through large metal gate straight on across the field,
through metal kissing gate and along the path, keep to this path, at end turn RIGHT down wooded ridged track to the Monkey Bridge.
Cross the Bridge, at bottom of small steps go LEFT and follow wooded path, at end turn LEFT then RIGHT uphill slightly, along path then downhill you will see you have come back to where you entered the Nature Reserve (which will be on your Right) re-cross the end of the canal and retrace your steps along the towpath, through Wharf Green and back to Jacksdale Community Center Car Park.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 3.945 miles
226 ft (33%)
226 ft (31%)
Two Counties Loop To Codnor Castle

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Two Counties Loop To Codnor Castle
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