Route Details

Jesus Run Club Nov 30th 2024

by Mac Moffat
2 months ago
Near Mesa, US
Meet at the east parking lot of the Stake center located south of the Mesa Temple Grounds. This is where the running route will start and finish. 5k starts at 9am but please come to hang out and stretch at least 15 minutes before start. Please wear bright colors and bring fluids, and friends. .......Shhhhhsh, keep this on the down low....but I heard there might be gingersnap cookies at the end.

Quote from President David O. McKay:
The Healthy Man, who takes care of his physical being, has strength and vitality: His Temple is a fit place for his spirit to reside... It is necessary, therefore, to care for our physical bodies, and to observe the laws of physical health and happiness" ("The 'Whole' Man," Improvement Era, Apr 1952,221)

The Route: We will head east immediately out the parking lot on 2nd Ave then making 3 right turns on Solomon, Broadway, and Horne to complete the loop back at 2nd Ave. On 2nd ave turn left going back west till making a right at the Temple grounds on Hobson. Then heading North through the light at Main st (Jog in place and wait for the Light Please. No J walking). Proceed to the street north of Pioneer Park which is 2nd Street Turn left heading west till making a left going south on Lesueur back through the light passing the Temple again going all the way back down to 2nd Ave. Now your in the Final loop to the Finish line, turn right at 2nd ave, Then you'll be making 3 left turns on Udall, Third, and then Pioneer going north and Back into the Parking Lot of the Stake Center. Congratulations you've finished the Perfect 5k! Please hang around to snag a group photo and maybe grab a cookie. :-))

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 3.114 miles
3 ft (2%)
3 ft (2%)
Jesus Run Club Nov 30th 2024

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

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Route Map

Jesus Run Club Nov 30th 2024
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