Route Details

Wolverhampton Parkrun Alternative Route 2

by Martin N
8 months ago
Near Wolverhampton, GB
When the measured current parkrun 5k route is mapped on Plotaroute it comes out at 5090m instead of 5k. So this proposed route has been mapped also at 5090m on the assumption that it equates close to 5km in reality.

This is the simplest route possible, starting just in front of the bandstand, running a straight path to the perimeter, followed by 3 complete clockwise circuits of the perimeter path and then returning via the same straight path back to the bandstand.
The finish funnel would be at the beginning of one of the paths leading off from the bandstand. The start can be altered so that the finish is at the beginning of this path. The finish funnel would then have a sufficient straight run for participants to slow down and collect their tokens and the funnel can then bend to the right directing finishers towards the tea rooms where there is a covered area for volunteers to stand in wet weather to carry out scanning.
(Depending on the actual measured route it is possible that the finish could be very close to the starting position by adjusting the start point - there appears to be some flexibility here)

Very simple route to understand and explain to newcomers.
Avoids the bunching and narrow path around play area with current route.
No blind spots at turns
Meets all the preferred design criteria specified by parkrun HQ

Only a slight disadvantage is the turning in from the perimeter after 3 laps which is fairly sharp, but participants will be be well spread out as this is near the end of the route. There is also a slight incline at the approach to this turn so faster runners will need to slow down at this point.
The finish involves running to one side of the bandstand to the preferred finish funnel. There is a chance that there might by some occasional activity in this area but there are options to move the finish funnel to another of the paths leading off the bandstand.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 3.163 miles
95 ft (45%)
95 ft (34%)
Wolverhampton Parkrun Alternative Route 2

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

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Wolverhampton Parkrun Alternative Route 2
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