Route Details

HKR Remembrance Run 2023

HKR Remembrance Run 2023
10k distance road-running

Meet up at The Village Hotel, Farnborough
Start point - The Hangar, westwards
Finish Line - The Hangar, eastwards


Leading up to the recent weeks, Many different routes around the locality have been scouted multiple times and risk-assessed personally by ATM over the last few months on the roads in person on foot. Out of all the possible routes, the route above is the closest to what we can do to;
1. Make it an interesting run experience for all the participants,
2. Keep the route to the lowest difficulty in terms of terrain and elevation so it can be done by all ages and abilities.
3. Keep it open and most accessible for everyone in terms of logistics (for the organizers, volunteers, and participants) - plenty of car parking in and around the starting point/venue
4. Get a feel of Hemanta's own runs (a lot of the segments from the route above are where he used to run himself while he was rehabilitating from his bad knee and while preparing for this first-ever half marathon)
5. Take the runner(s) and pass them along the roads of the Driving Test Centre where he passed his test.
6. Give the runners a fresh view/perspective of the Rushmoor/Farnborough area
7. And most importantly, Keep it close to home where the heart is and where Hemanta's essence still holds.

**Given that there are an appropriate number of marshalls (40) at each key point throughout the route and the admin team is strong and on point, this will be one of the most-safest and low-traffic routes among many other possible routes that are more exposed to the heavy traffic and open roads. This route will take the participants around Farnborough's Business Park, its famous International Air Show Exhibition Grounds, Business Aviation Centre(s), Farnborough Business Airport, and some of the places where Hemanta Kumar Rai himself had walked/ran/visited at the later stages of his adult life. **

keypoints to NOTE**
1. Going from the start to the 1km mark - road crossing along Pinehurst Road to Elles Road (A327) - *needs multiple marshalls and traffic controllers to make a safe passage for all runners*
2. Going from the 1km mark to the 2km mark - traffic light crossing from Elles Road to Templar Avenue (Costco side) - *multiple marshalls on both sides of the traffic lights*
3. 1km to 2km mark - crossing across Templar Avenue road, from (Costco side) to the (Costa side)
4. 2km to 3km mark - turning from Fowler Avenue to Trenchard Way at the T junction and along the bends throughout the route
5. 3km to 4km mark - Trenchward Way to Government House road - at roundabouts and road turning points
6. 4km to 5km mark - Government House road to Aerospace Boulevard - roundabouts and turning points
7. 5km to 6km mark - Aerospace Boulevard to Government House road - roundabouts, turnings and crossing points
8. 6km to 7km mark - Trenchward Way to Fowler Avenue - a couple of crossings and T junctions
9. 7km to 8km mark - exposed pavement/footpath road distance of around 300-500m along the Farnborough road (A325) - also need multiple marshalls in this segment to signpost the runners to the right direction through underpasses and roundabouts.
10. 8km to 9km mark - Leisure Centre Car Park to O'Gorman Avenue - a segment of the road is closed at the moment. will check it out again this week - also will need a few marshalls along this segment to signpost runners around the bends and at turnings for traffic control
11. 9km to 10km mark - O'Gorman Avenue > Fowler Avenue > to finish at the Airship Hangar *will need few marshalls at the bends and towards the finish line.


Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 6.260 miles
216 ft (37%)
213 ft (33%)
692 kcal
HKR Remembrance Run 2023

st lb  
692 kcal
Find out how we calculate Calories

About the Calorie Calculator

Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

HKR Remembrance Run 2023
Route Map
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Route Profile

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Please be careful to observe all signs for rights of way when following other people's routes, as we cannot guarantee that they do not cross private or hazardous land.

Please also be considerate and mindful of the interests of local residents when parking and following routes.

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