Route Details

072 GPS 2020-08-30, 10 Hampshire West Sussex BCQs

by Mark Worthington Photo
1 year ago
Near Bar End, GB
072 BCQ Ride 034, 10 Hampshire & West Sussex BCQs, 30-08-20, 2020 Stanforth Skyelander, On Road, 141 Miles, 3004m Ascent, 2.6% Average Gradient, On my own

Rides Done 072
GPS 2020-08-30, 10 Hampshire & West Sussex BCQs

BCQ066 Alresford
GR OS 185 SU 588 325, Jan 2020
In Station Road, New Arlesford, adjacent to Alresford Surgery is a ‘Public Convenience.' On the external wall is a plaque, to whom does this refer, and to what group did they belong?
Harry Houghton
Portland Spy Ring

BCQ065 Selborne
GR OS 186 SU 741 338, Oct 2010
On the wall to the left of main entrance to the church is a plaque commemorating the Selborne Yew and when it fell on the church. What was the date?
25th January 1990

BCQ084 Rogate
GR OS 197 SU 808 238, Oct 2010
On main road opposite the church is the White Horse public house. What date is on the blue and white tile plaque on the front wall?
Circa 1600

BCQ081 Midhurst
GR OS 197 SU 887 216, Oct 2010
At the end of Knockhundred Row, overlooking the corner with Church Hill, is a large building with flights of steps down to the pavement. How many dormer windows are there in the roof?

BCQ085 Stopham
GR OS 197 TQ 030 183, Jul 2019
Stopham Bridge is an ancient monument. How many pedestrian refuges are on the north and south sides?
8 North
9 South

BCQ083 Arundel
GR OS 197 TQ 019 070, Oct 2010
Give the date in Roman Numerals when Arundel Bridge was rebuilt?

BCQ082 Chichester
GR OS 197 SU 860 048, Oct 2010
Just east of the Cathedral at the junction of East, South, West and North Streets is a clock tower known as the City Cross. How many sides has the City Cross?

BCQ064 Hambledon
GR OS 185 SU 677 167, Oct 2010
Bat & Ball Public House just north of Broadhalfpenny Down - What are the dates on the Cricket Memorial opposite the Pub?

BCQ063 Winchester
GR OS 185 SU 485 293, Oct 2010
King Alfred's Statue near the River Itchen - Give the sculptor's name and date erected.
Hamo Thornycroft
September MDCCCCI (1901)

BCQ061 Danebury Hill
GR OS 185 SU 327 377, Oct 2010
Danebury Hill is an Iron Age Fort. What is the number on the plate in the base of the “Triangulation Pillar”?

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 140.742 miles
9760 ft (39%)
9757 ft (39%)
072 GPS 2020-08-30, 10 Hampshire West Sussex BCQs

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