Route Details

Camino Imota 3d Day

Camino Imota 3d day

Camino Imota is a part of the official Camimo route through Croatia - Camino Croatia. It is designed as a separate stage of the Camino route in Croatia.

Day 3: Proložac - Imotski

Length: 26.2 km
Estimated time: 7 h
Highest point: 420 m
Lowest point: 253 m

The area at Proložac is a bit different from the harsh rocky landscape of the countryside. A river loops around a small island with a unique attraction - the Green cathedral, an outdoor shrine. The path winds along the river, with its ancient mills and churches. Just after the path leading outside the town there is a fascinating, though small waterfall area. Fertile soil and the proximity of water makes this area a local granary with plenty of fields alongside the route. The shade of the trees near the river provide a welcome shade in the warmer months with the river itself acting as a kind of natural air conditioning. The route leads us to Kamenmost, a small village with bars and stores - a good place to rest.
The route continues along the path following the river, to the village of Zmijavci, continuing through the villages Runovići and Vinjani Donji. After the final village the route takes a turn to the left, back to Imotski. This section is on a sidewalk along the main road and uphill. The Camino Imota ends at the Church of St. Francis at Imotski.
Any missing stamps as well as a pilgrim certificate for the Camino Imota route can be had at the Imota Tourist Board office, a few minutes walk from the church.

Camino Imota route overlaps the Our Lady of Sinj route, in the direction from Sinj to Međugorje. For more information about that route visit

Camino Imota je dio službene Camino rute kroz Hrvatsku. Koncipiran je kao zasebna dionica hrvatske mreže Puteva svetog Jakova.

Dan 3: Proložac - Imotski

Dužina: 26.2 km
Procjena vremena 7 h
Najviša točka: 420 m
Najniža točka: 253 m

Područje oko Prološca se razlikuje od krševitog krajolika u okolici. Rijeka se vrti oko malog otoka sa jedinstvenog atrakcijom - Zelenom katedralom, svetištu na otvorenom. Staza nastavlja uz rijeku, uz drevne mlinice i crkvice. Nedugo nakon izlaska iz mjesta staza prolazi uz područje sa malim vodopadima. Plodno tlo i blizina vode čine ovo područje lokalnom žitnicom sa poljima koja se redaju uz rutu. Hlad stabala uz rijeku jako je ugodan tijekom ljetnih mjeseci, a blizina rijeke djeluje kao prirodna klimatizacija. Put dalje vodi u Kamenmost, malo selo sa trgovinama i kafićima - dobra lokacija za odmor.
Ruta se nastavlja po stazi uz rijeku do Zmijavaca, preko Runovića i Vinjana Donjih. Nakon posljednjeg mjesta ruta skreće lijevo prema Imotskom. Ovaj dio hoda se po kolniku uz cestu, uzbrdo. Camino Imota završava u crkvi sv. Frane u Imotskom.
Pečati koji vam nedostaju mogu se nabaviti u uredu Turističke zajednice Imota, u blizini crkve. Tu se može nabaviti i hodočasnička potvrda - Compostela.

Camino Imota ruta se preklapa sa Stazom Gospi Sinjskoj, na pravcu od Sinja od Međugorja. Za više informacija o toj ruti posjetite

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 18.082 miles
1220 ft (43%)
820 ft (36%)
Camino Imota 3d Day

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

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Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

Camino Imota 3d Day
Route Map
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