Route Details

MG- Whit Castle Or Derwent College Garden Cafe,

by Neil Tanner Photo
2 years ago
Near Chester, GB
This route is aimed at something a bit further south , into Shropshire hills almost to Oswestry and a choice of 3 cafe’s, all within a few miles of each other. Been amended & not on Garmin yet.
( The Kitchen at Whittington castle - 28 miles or the Derwent Colleage ‘Walled Garden’ cafe at 29.5 miles, on the B road, just short of Gebowen or the Station cafe in Begowen 31 miles.
The route is as direct as possible without repeating , except for the start & finish, as I want to keep the distance under 57 miles + keep the hills down hence, start not via CP.
I can of course add in my usual start through Tattenhall & CP if my fitness is good, if I wish on the day.

There is 8-10 miles of good B road to Bangor on Dee, from Whittington, as using the lanes around there are a risk even in summer, see note below. However the B road is surprisingly quiet.
Whittington Castle cafe is at the junction on the left, in the village.

This route has been amended to remove some awful lanes that have now been edited out.
So don’t be tempted to shorten the route slightly at Wrenbury by passing through the village and taking Rookery lane, as it is atrocious ( real farm lane, pot holed to hell and always a filthy soaking muddy mess.
The left turn at Wrenbury is much better & only adds a half mile.
In addition the lanes through Hindford ( close to Whittington castle) are also atrocious!
This route, therefore takes the only real option, around Hindford, which also means we only use half mile of the A 495, which is not bad road at all to be fair.

Note there is a footpath short cut to avoid the roundabout at Gebowen. Gebowen, is again the only real route back ,avoiding the bad lanes of Hindford.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 56.853 miles
2280 ft (36%)
2276 ft (36%)
MG- Whit Castle Or Derwent College Garden Cafe,

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

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Route Map

MG- Whit Castle Or Derwent College Garden Cafe,
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