Route Details

Farncombe 07a - History Walk 1

by Martyn Sandford Photo
2 years ago
Near Farncombe, GB
Godalming oozes charm and quaintness and gets lots of attention when it comes to history. But Farncombe has its history too and this walk will help you uncover some of the hidden details. Along the way, we will pause to consider some of the people, places and things that have made Farncombe the place it is today. In particular, we will discover the part transport has played in local prosperity.
The walk is under 3 miles and almost level. Many of the paths are surfaced. Those that are not may be uneven in places. Please leave 3 or 4 minutes at each stop to read the history and look to see what you can see. You may wish to leave longer to visit the church at the end of the walk. The whole walk will probably occupy between two and two and a half hours.
There is a second Farncombe History Walk that takes you north to Binscombe. It is rather longer and has some hills so is more of a 'walk'.
A note about references
The material for this history walk has been drawn from many sources. Books and pamphlets, on-line sources, and primary sources kept at Godalming Museum and the Surrey History Centre in Woking have all been used and can provide further reading if you are inspired to find out more. The walk is intended to be a fun introduction to the history of Farncombe, not a 'learned work', and so I have not filled it with lots of references. If you are an author or owner of any of the pictures and feel that I have not properly credited your work, please let me know. I am also pleased to receive corrections or additional information.
"A History of Farncombe buildings" by Dr J N Bennett is a useful guide to many other Farncombe buildings not covered in this walk. It is available from Godalming Museum.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 2.722 miles
39 ft (23%)
45 ft (25%)
Farncombe 07a - History Walk 1

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Farncombe 07a - History Walk 1
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