Route Details

Klonzo - Upper Loop

by Nelu Goia
2 years ago
Near Thompson, US

Overview Suggest Change
The Klonzo Area is located off of Willow Springs Road north of Moab. With nearly nine miles of trail, it's easy to create any kind of ride you want.

The Klonzo system is a great leg stretcher after a long drive to Moab, or an excellent place to take a new mountain biker to experience the desert.

Mellow grades, killer views and tight, swoopy singletrack make Klonzo a sweet little outing. Wahoo should be ridden in a certain direction - counter-clockwise is more fun. Graviton is downhill only starting from the junction with Wahoo.

Cross Canyon Trail is a good 'up' that gives riders good access to hit Secret Passage (remember, counter-clockwise = more fun) as well as Dunestone and Boondocks. Borderline stands isolated on the eastern edge of the area and is an absolute blast to rail down.
Need to Know Suggest Change
The Klonzo Area is non-motorized, but is located near the multi-use Sovereign Trail system. Be aware of vehicles on Willow Springs Road as it can get busy with different user groups accessing trails.

Visitors have their choice of two parking lots for Klonzo. The lower parking lot gives immediate access to Dunestone, Boondocks and Borderline. The upper lot, located a half mile further, provides access to Borderline and Cross Canyon.
Description Suggest Change
There are multiple options to ride Klonzo, but the link up of Cross Canyon to Wahoo to Borderline makes for fast and fun five miler.

Starting at the upper lot, head north for a steady initial climb on Borderline and look for your first intersection with Cross Canyon. Turn left here and follow the trail as it climbs slowly and rolls along the fingers of land that make up the ridge and plateau above you.

Continue on Cross Canyon past the well signed turn-offs for Dunestone, Borderline (again), Secret Passage and Snippet. Once past Snippet you will cross a slickrock wash before climbing up and over to an intersection with Wahoo. The sign at the intersection says it all: Go right for more fun.

Make the turn and expect a little more climbing before hitting the intersection with Borderline. Continue on to the top of Wahoo. Here is where the trail gets its name. Follow the curvy trail on down to the bottom of the wash, dancing through fingers of land and large boulders. Wahoo indeed!

At the bottom you will skirt across an open area before arriving back at the Cross Canyon intersection. Repeat a short section of Wahoo and climb back up to Borderline for a fun return.

Head right here and cruise over some slickrock pieces and fast rolling singletrack, working your way back to the parking lot. From Snippet its all downhill.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 4.602 miles
583 ft (49%)
577 ft (50%)
Klonzo - Upper Loop

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Klonzo - Upper Loop
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