Route Details

Lantau Peak From Tung Chung To PKA

Lots of climbing. Food and drinks at Ngong Ping (Big Buddha)

There are two parts to this hike.
Part 1: Tung Chung to Ngong Ping (7.5km ~ 3-4 hours hiking)
09:30 depart from Tung Chung MTR and begin hike to Ngong Ping (where the Big Buddha is). This starts off with almost 3km of flat going through the older Tung Chung villages. Then there's a monster climb up the Donkey Trail underneath the cable car (on the service trail). This is pretty steep and takes a while alternating on stone steps and the wooden steps. Great views. (The wooden steps can be very slippery when wet or in summer in the humidity). There's no water on this part so make sure you take enough.

Lunch stop at Ngong Ping (7.5km). There are lots of shops, a 7-eleven, and a number of toilets here. Good idea to stock up on some drinks and snacks for the next part of the hike. (There are also buses and taxis from Ngong Ping if anyone needs an exit here)

Part 2: Ngong Ping to Pak Kung Au (5.5km ~2.5hours hiking)
We then continue to hike over Lantau Peak. Lantau Peak is the highest peak on Lantau. It's the highest peak in HK you can stand on the top of (Tai Mo Shan is higher - but has a communications equipment fenced off at the top). This is a very steep but rewarding climb. Given we are hiking in winter it makes sense to have a light warm top and a wind-breaker/light jacket as this part may get colder and into the clouds. After summitting Lantau Peak we head down to Pak Kung Au (PKA) where there are buses either back to Tung Chung (any bus going north to Tung Chung) or to the Mui Wo Ferry Pier (3M bus heading south)

I'm guessing this will take 2-2.5 hours to hike.

What to bring:
- octopus + cash
- drinks at least 2 litres (purchase more at Ngong Ping)
- lots of energy snacks/bar/chocolate/lollies
- 800+ calories for part 1
- 600+ calories for part 2 (can buy in Ngong Ping)
- comfy running shoes
- hat + sunscreen
- warm top + light windbreaker/jacket
- mask


Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 8.076 miles
3684 ft (52%)
2604 ft (44%)
Lantau Peak From Tung Chung To PKA

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

Lantau Peak From Tung Chung To PKA
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