Route Details

Chagford, Castle Drogo And Fingle Bridge

by Alice Parry
3 years ago
Near Chagford, GB
From the car park, walk back along the High Street, turn right at The Square and walk north east along the B3206 for about a quarter of a mile. Turn left on a country lane signposted for Swimming Pool (SX 704880).

After just over another quarter of a mile, turn right at Rushford Mill Farm (SX 706885) and through the farmyard, following the fingerpost for Drewsteighnton and Fingle. Follow the right hand field boundary next to the river until you reach an old stone gatepost at which point the path veers slightly left to cut off the corner.

At a three way fingerpost, where the left fork goes to Sandy Park, keep straight ahead on the riverside path following the fingerpost for “Road at Dogmarsh Bridge”.

On reaching the road (SX 713894), cross straight over to enter the National Trust land “Castle Drogo Estate” and continue to follow the river. At a footbridge (do not cross), there is a three way fingerpost (SX 722896). Turn left for “Hunters Path” and “Road Near Castle Drogo”.

The path climbs through the trees and comes out on the drive to Gib House. Turn right following the public footpath fingerpost. Shortly after that, turn right on a tarmac drive again following a public footpath fingerpost.

Continue along this drive and look out for a three way fingerpost on the right (SX 720900). Turn right to follow the path for “Hunters Path Public Bridleway”. Nearer the gate is another fingerpost for “Castle Drogo 0.5 mile” and “Fingle Bridge 1.5 miles”.

Stay on the main path for Fingle Bridge ignoring various left turns taking you to Castle Drogo (unless you want to see this National Trust property).
At SX 728899 is a dramatic viewpoint of the Teign Valley.

At a junction by a bench “Ronnies Seat” turn right for “Fingle Bridge Public Bridlepath”. At the road (SX 743910) turn right and walk down to the bridge.

Here you have the option to visit Cranbrook Castle, an Iron Age hill fort. Turn right to follow the river. There are paths on both sides, with this walk following the right hand path (north path).

To visit Cranbrook Castle, cross Fingle Bridge and enter the National Trust land; Charles and Hannicombe Woods. Turn left at this sign and after a few yards, turn right following the fingerpost “Public Byeway for Cranbrook Down” (SX 743899). The broad stony byway is an easy route to follow if a little steep.

Stay on it, ignoring any turns off, in particular on the right the Lower Deerstalkers Path and later the Upper Deerstalkers Path. Point of interest - opposite the Lower Deerstalkers Path is a large stone with a cross carved in its side.

The track starts to level out. Continue until you reach a fingerpost on the right “Public Footpath to “Cranbrook Castle (Iron Age Ramparts)” (SX 742889). Turn right. The ramparts are visible although in summer the bracken grows well and may obscure the outlines.

After visiting Cranbrook Castle, retrace your steps to Fingle Bridge, cross it and turn left along the right hand (north) riverbank, following the fingerpost for “Fishermans Path” and “Dogmarsh Bridge, Chagford, Castle Drogo Shop and Café”.

Shortly after passing a weir with a fish ladder arrangement, you reach the footbridge where you turned off on the outward journey.
Retrace your steps to Chagford.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 10.118 miles
1545 ft (44%)
1558 ft (39%)
Chagford, Castle Drogo And Fingle Bridge

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Chagford, Castle Drogo And Fingle Bridge
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