Route Details

Route 3

by Thakeham Parish
4 years ago
Near Thakeham, GB
Route 3 is very much a family route with some off-road and minor Roads for those who wish to take the whole family out. It is approximately 3.5 miles long with one incline and one descent starting and finishing at Thakeham Village Hall.
Parking can be found if not in use at The Village Hall or alternatively on West Side of Football field.
Points of interest
The route passes through land on the western side of the mushroom factory, so beware of farm traffic but usually very quiet. On entering first open section of BW, you have amazing views of South Downs, further on you can also get a distant view of the North Downs.
Traveling down Sincock's Lane you will pass ABC Animal Rescue Sanctuary, this charity was set up by the late Alexandra Bastedo a well-known actress, who always felt the sanctuary was her best achievement. The sanctuary is a rescue a rehoming for all kinds of animals, during normal times have fund raising events.
Further on you pass the Five Bells pub which serves snacks and drinks, cycle through ancient woodland back to the start where the Meadow Stores could be a welcome finish snacks and drinks a served.
Start of Route
Start at the Village Hall turn west down Abingworth Crescent; on reaching the B2139 TL and then TR onto High Bar lane. Look out for play area on the R. Turn R (the owner of the sight has agreed that this can be used for Cyclists & Equestrian Users as a Permissive Path) continue following concrete road until you reach the top of the ridge, then TL following BW until you reach East Street. The road is relatively quiet. TL then immediately L onto Sinncocks lane, a minor road which is fairly quiet. Continue straight on until you reach a sharp right-hand bend (crossing stream), TL onto BW into woods continue through woods then straight on at High Bar Lane until you reach the B2139, then TL then TR into Abingworth Crescent straight on until you reach Village Hall.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 3.427 miles
193 ft (43%)
193 ft (44%)
Route 3

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

Route Map

Route 3
Route Map
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Please be careful to observe all signs for rights of way when following other people's routes, as we cannot guarantee that they do not cross private or hazardous land.

Please also be considerate and mindful of the interests of local residents when parking and following routes.

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