Route Details

Pecos Park 5M XC Idea

by Flash Santoro
4 years ago
Near Ahwatukee, US
Each of first two loops exactly 1.5. Course is about 400m of dirt, 40m of grass, and flat, fast blacktop-type sidewalk, super fast. The course is two 1.55 mile loops, with the normal course direction being counter-clockwise. Start line is on dirt just north of Phoenix Premium Outlets parking lot. Look for white paint atop rocks. Head straight east, taking a left turn and going behind the building. Once you hit the sidewalk, stay left, take a right at the first switchback and a left at the second switchback. At Javelina Junction (the northern-most part of the course, stay on the sidewalk off to the right, then head behind the building. You will cut diagonally down the Deadly Descent at the first manhole cover with 4 poles sticking out of the ground. Then run straight across the concrete and up Hardship Hill, along the downtrodden path in the grass, which reconnects you to the sidewalk loop. Stay on the sidewalk and follow it past the toilets, to the .3 mile stretch of the course referred to as the “Infinity Straight.” Upon completion of your first loop, take a right off the sidewalk into the dirt and run across the start line to begin your second identical loop. Upon completion of the second loop, finish straight onto the dirt, just to the right of the sidewalk you’ve been running along Infinity Straight. Finish line has several rocks lined up in a line, parallel to the start line but slightly north of it, if you’re looking to run the course on your own prior to race day. Final loop heads West on dirt straight, then loops back north and east through the parking lot, with a loop on the dirt just north of the skate park. From there, head south along 48th St, loop around the roundabout and head due east along the road, cutting throught the parking area to rejoin the sidewalk and head east to finish line. Should be 8k, 4.97 miles.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 4.969 miles
42 ft (15%)
42 ft (15%)
Pecos Park 5M XC Idea

st lb  
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Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

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Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.

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Pecos Park 5M XC Idea
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