Route Details

Tea Country Trail OLD 06 Watagoda To Talawakele

by Miguel Cunat Photo
4 years ago
Near Nuwara Eliya, LK
This stage is a short one. Starting at the Watagoda Train station we take a left turn across the railway line and proceed along the street lined up with a few homes on each side and a volleyball ground to your right.

At the 0.3 kilometer point, the track becomes a dyke between two lakes, one large and one smaller one. Shortly after there is a splendid Hindu Kovil on our right-hand side with intricate carvings and a prominent wooden door.

At the 1.3 kilometer point, the trail zig-zags down and turns on itself. There is a wonderful banyan tree here with an idyllic little stream beside it. The trail stretches here for a few hundred meters until we reach the railway line. We turn left and walk on the tracks for 75 meters and then you will see a trail forking out to your right.

The next 1.7 kilometers are a delight. We walk on a classic tea trail and the terrain is mostly flat. We are in the
Holyrood Estate heading towards the main bungalow situated at the 3.7 kilometer. The façade of the warehouse reads “Did you hug a tree today” – we certainly did, and not just 1.

We lose around 100 meters of elevation as we descend from the Bungalow to the Factory. The factory is impressive; aren’t they all? We pass by the factory and exit the factory premises through a wide-open gate. Here we turn left and walk along the tarmac road for 200 meters. Here you will see some very interesting artwork painted on the retaining wall – somewhere in Talawakele, there are very talented street artists, no doubt.

At the 5.25 kilometer point take a sharp left up the street. Here the Tea Country Trail leaves the main road behind. We enter a small village street we soon leave behind and we’re back on a tea trail. At the 5.6 kilometer point, we cross the railway line for the 3rd time today and walk along the main road towards Talawakele town.

Soon after we cross the bridge we turn right through an ugly industrial zone and - guess what? – we cross the railway line again, hop onto the platform and walk towards the main station. The stage ends here.

Route Statistics
metric imperial

DISTANCE 3.881 miles
236 ft (28%)
702 ft (58%)
Tea Country Trail OLD 06 Watagoda To Talawakele

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Route Map

Tea Country Trail OLD 06 Watagoda To Talawakele
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