Hi Sam - I've done a quick bit of research into this and there seems to be a lot of reports of problems with the Galaxy S3 and geolocation based web services like ours. Some people are saying that restarting the device can help. Do you have all of the location settings turned on in the Settings on your phone?
I load my route on my S3 and can't find the location icon on my map..
Please advise.
hi, this will only work on iPhone?
Hi Gary - we don't have a sat nav app like you are describing - I'm not sure how practical this would be if you are running or cycling in a race. However, you can view routes from the site on mobile devices and check you position on the map as long as you have an internet connection and your device has a GPS web location capability which is turned on.
When you view a route on a mobile device it is loaded in our mobile route player as shown in the image below. If you click on the location icon in the bottom right corner of the map it should then automatically track your position (shown by the blue dot).
Hope this helps.
I have created 4 routes for an event i am organising. Is it possible for the participants to download the route to there iphone/androind so they can follow the route as they are running/cycling? Kind of like a sat nav?