exactly my question - thanks for answering so concisely
Thanks - will go public in the hope someone will try the rides.
Hi Ron - thanks for the feedback and questions. Glad you're finding the site easy to use.
To answer your questions, Private routes can only be viewed by you once you've signed in. Public routes can be viewed by anyone, whether signed in or not.
Changes to Public routes can only be made by the route's owner although anyone can use a Public route as a template for editing and then save a copy of it under their own account (once signed in).
If you want to make a Private route Public, or vice versa, you just need to select it for editing and then save it again with the new Public or Private setting.
Hope that helps.
Just created my first 2 routes, very impressed with how easy it is.
I kept them as Private and wonder what is the difference between this and Public.
Can anyone see a Private route?
If it's Public can anyone else edit it?
Finally how do I change one to the other?