Hills feature - needs vertical exaggeration

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  • Joel Niemi Friday 24 Jan 2014 07:20:59

    thanks.  the ups and downs are much clearer now.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 15:30:00

    We've updated this now so that the Y axis scale matches the elevation range of the route.  This should show more clearly the changes in elevation.  Thanks again for the feedback Joel.

  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 08:22:15

    Thanks for the feedback Joel.  We did initially have a more exagerated scale but changed it, as it made the hills look artificially steep!  On reflection, it is probably better that way than to lose the detail.  We'll make some changes to this.


  • Joel Niemi Tuesday 21 Jan 2014 07:53:14

    The hills pop-up at the bottom of the screen is not very informative.  I suggest exaggerating the vertical scale.  5x might show something useful for a cyclist.  As it is now, things are just smudges.

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