at what slope does "level" become uphill?

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  • Joel Niemi Thursday 22 May 2014 20:07:41

    After creating a route, you can check for "info" that reports the percentage of the route which is "up", "down", or level.

    What are the break points between level and up, and level and down?  I've created routes which the "hills" diagram shows as undulating, yet the "info" says are mostly level.

    My guess is maybe 1% or so.

  • plotaroute admin   Friday 23 May 2014 09:03:08

    Hi Joel - I think the reason the profile appears more undulating than the percentages suggest is due the the fact that 80 km+ routes are being compressed into a few inches of screen space - if they were stretched out over a bigger space I think you would see more flat sections.  

    We work out the uphill, downhill and flat percentages by sampling the elevation (in whole numebrs of meters) at equidistant intervals of 10m along the route.  Then we add up the number of intervals where the elevation rose, stayed the same or went down and calculate these as percentages of the total number of intervals.  

    Hope that explains how it works.


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