Unsnap Function, or snap only specific section

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  • Tour McTour   Thursday 09 Jan 2025 04:09:21

    Hi, I'm trying to plot some routes based on other people's gps files, but in multiple areas they have taken tracks that are not shown on maps. When I Snap Route To Map most of the bits on roads or mapped tracks get cleaned up nicely, but these sections on unmarked tracks end up in completely the wrong place. There are also a few sections on the road where it decides to just take me in a different direction for no reason I can discern. Would it be possible to either:

    Have the Snap RouteTo Map function applied only to a selected range,

    or even better

    Have an Unsnap function, so when I review the route I can just say take this section back to what it was originally?

    I originally posted this four years ago and have been annoyed by this lack of functionality ever since, but I've just seen it isn't even in the list of requested features, so requesting it again now. I'm sure a lot of others want it, and I know for a fact that several former users who now use a different platform wanted it.

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