I just tried to upload a few photos to a newly plotted route as usual. But it does not work and tells, that the photos could not be read, perhaps due to worng format. But they are ordinary jpg-files.
Does anyone else have the same problem?
Currently having the same problem
Same problem here. Cannot upload pictures.
Thanks. Now I know, that I am not doing anything wrong. I hope, it gets fixed...
indeed there must be a bug, we will fiwx it as soone as possible.
Thank you for your patience 🙏
Kind regards
I have just had exactly the same problem. I have uploaded photos many times but like the others below I just get an error message saying it can't read the files but they are jpegs. Hope you can fix it soon.
I was able to upload a photo but it appeared upside down. I have tried to correct it using the rotate tool but nothing happens other than an indication that it is trying. The photo is about 3Mb and the limit is stated to be 10Mb.
I reported this to Plotaroute but have not heard back.
the bug has been fixed, thank you for your patience.
Kind regards.
Thank you. Great!