Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando

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  • Jim O''''Dwyer   Saturday 17 Aug 2024 21:06:10

    @helene plotatoute - no, none of my routes have more than a few hundred points. But I see in a further post that relinking from plotaroute resyncs the routes. I can confirm that all my plotaroute routes have been transferred.

  • Richard Robey   Saturday 17 Aug 2024 13:41:00

    @Richard Orbey - The reverse is not true => Visorando tracks are not synchronized in Plotaroute.

    Hi, thanks for the reply. Can you explain how the sync works? For the time being, I'm still using Plotaroute to create / edit routes. 

    If I create a new route in plotaroue it doesn't appear on the Visorando website. Within plotaroute, if I choose the 'Follow with Visorando' action against the route, it then appears in Visorando Web.

    Question, I assume that every time I create a new route in plotaroute, I must use the 'Follow with Visorando' action for it to appear in Visorando Web?

    If I then make changes to the route in plotaroute (i.e. change title name), I notice these changes are not automatically synced to Visorando Web. If I choose the 'Follow with Visorando' action against the edited route, the changes appear in Visorando Web.  

    Question, I assume that every time I make changes to a route that is already synced to Visorando, I must use the 'Follow with Visorando' action for the changes to appear in Visorando Web?

    One potential issue I can see is if I make changes to plotaroute routes and forget to use the 'Follow with Visorando' action, my routes could easily get out oif sync with Visorando Web and it may be difficult to figure out which routes are in sync and which aren't. 

    Question: Is there a way to re-sync ALL my plotaroute routes, so any differences are transferred to Visorando Web?

    As an aisde, if I hover my mouse over the "Link to Visorando" button (at the top of the plotaroute web page), it states "Linking your Plotaroute account to Visorando allows you to send your routes to Visorando (website and mobile application) in just one click, so you can follow them during your outdoor activities. These routes are then automatically synchronised from Plotaroute to Visorando."

    Question: Based on my observations above, is the highlighted statement true?

    Hopefully my comments don't come across as negative or pedantic. I'm just trying to clarify these points so that it will hopefully prove useful for others (and myself!)



  • Richard Robey   Saturday 17 Aug 2024 12:43:43

    @Helene Plotaroute

    Thank you for your reply. As I have started a seperate thread for this issue in the 'Bugs and Problems' forum, I will provide answer there.  

  • Helene Plotaroute   Friday 16 Aug 2024 10:23:47


    @Richard Orbey : I answered you in another post => could you precise if the toutes concerned have more than 10000 points? Did you check in the folders (Hikes to sort, Favourites)? Could you precise which tracks are not synchroniezd? 
    The reverse is not true => Visorando tracks are not synchronized in Plotaroute.

    @ Jim O''''Dwyer  : same questions as above.

    @Jim O''''Dwyer & Adam Rykala : you can use the route planner, we did not plan to change functionalities. 

    Kind regards




  • Adam Rykala   Thursday 15 Aug 2024 13:37:15

    Like Hugh, I find the waypoint stuff pretty important, and a primary reason I use PAR.

  • Hugh Franklin   Thursday 08 Aug 2024 15:57:51

    In Visorando you don't seem to be able to add waypoint information in any way.  I use the labelling function in Plotaroute to do this and from that I can create a useable route card.  Hoping that this functionality won't be lost becuase I don't think I'll be renewing if it is.

  • Jim O''''Dwyer   Monday 05 Aug 2024 11:37:41

    I linked to Visorando some time ago.

    I created a few more routes in Plotaroute over the past few days.

    I have since used the link from Plotaroute to access Visorando but those new routes have yet to appear there.

    Is there something else I need to do?

    And finally, can you share what the long term vision/prospect is for Plotaroute? Can I confidently continue to use Plotaroute functionality for the foreseeable future?


  • Richard Robey   Thursday 18 Jul 2024 13:23:25


    Just a follow up to my previous message. 

    To summarise, when I synced my plotaroute account to Visorando, it didn't transfer all my routes to the Visorando app. 

    I'd assume you want to investigate this as it may be happeneing to other people too, and because the number of missing routes (in my case) was quite low, they may not yet realise they are missing. 

    Can you please investigate so that I can hopefully get the remaing routes transferred to the app?

    If you need further information or require me to formally raise this as a potential bug somewhere else, please let me know.


  • Richard Robey   Thursday 11 Jul 2024 13:24:06

    Hi, thanks for the information. 

    Not sure if this is the right place but I ran in to an issue when synchronising my accounts.

    I have 33 routes within my plotaroute account. After syncing to Visorando, there are 33 routes visible when viewing my Visorando account via a web browser. 

    However, if I select My Routes on the Android Visorando app, I can only see 30. Three routes appear to be missing. 

    I've tried pressing the sync button a few times but it's stubbornly refusing to show the missing three routes. 

    Is this something you can investigate?

    Also, now that my plotaroute and Visorando accounts are synced, if I create a new route in plotaroute will it automatically appear in Visorando? (maybe I have to press the sync button?)

    Is the reverse true i.e. if I create a route in Visorando, will it be visible in my plotaroute account?

    I'm liking the new Visorando app, although I haven't had chance to really investigate it yet. One thing that did puzzle me for a few minutes was the ability to sort routes on the app. I was looking for "Sort" but it turned out to be "Criteria". Now I know, it's obvious but I wonder if "Sort" would be a better description on the app rather than "Criteria". Just a thought. 

    Thank you. 



  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 20 Jun 2024 13:56:00

    Following the introduction of the possibility of viewing your routes in the Visorando tools (see ), we have continued to work on the connections to Visorando.

    You can now synchronise your Plotaroute account with Visorando. In the menu, and if you are logged in, click on the 'Link to Visorando' button. This does several things:

    1) Create a Visorando account or, if you already have one, connect it to your Plotaroute account (the link is made with the email address). 

    2) Access all your Plotaroute routes in the Visorando tools (in particular the mobile application for tracking your routes). These are automatically synchronised.

    3) Log in to Visorando securely with one click.

    4) If you have a Premium access to Plotaroute, we offer you a Premium access to Visorando ( ) for the same duration. Activation is automatic.

    Please do not hesitate to send us your feedback so that we can continue to improve these tools.

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