Guidance on plotting a route, a group hike, from point A to B when there are NO designated, mapped footpaths, trails, or roads.
When plotting the start there is no issue, as it's invariably a car park. To continue plotting on a track, again no problem.
I would like the route to "go into open moorland with no tracks or trails. Check Points to point "B". The trail that had already and chosen reroutes itself onto a route not suitable for the purpose, away from the intended route. Conversely, If I had a group "wild camping" day 2, would start without any tracks or trails Point "A" would be in the middle of nowhere, with nowhere to "pick up a trail.
I ask, is there something that I have missed in the desktop program/app?
As a "workaround," I have had to resort to a different map plotting app, import the .gpx, and create my route that way. Which has its limitations in "plotroute" route directions, descriptions, potential "plot" misalignment etc, which is long-winded.
Thank you in advance
Hi Pete - if you want to plot somewhere where there isn't a road or trail, you can do this by turning off the Auto-Plot switch for manual plotting.
On a PC...
Dooh! thank you both, looking too deep I guess.