Thanks Mark!
Importing POIs has generally been a problem with many apps like Plotaroute. I think many people would like to import a "database" of POIs, like feeding stations, campsites ... the list is endless. But that has not been implemented in PR, as far as I know. I asked for it before the Visorando take-over and it went into the Feature Requests .... these were voted on by the community and the developer generally worked on those that has most requests. Things have changed since the takeover.
You can import POIs that are generated in another app (if it's a route-plotter type), as long as they are part of a route. I do this often.
I have asked about the Relocate Directions feature, which is not working as advertised (see but have not had a reply yet.
It would be nice though to have an option to import POIs generated in another tool. Also the Annotate tool does not offer the option to change the exact coords of POIs. It is only possible to relocatie POIs visually afaik.
Hi Liam,
You can use the Annotate Map tool to add off-route labels or symbols to the map to represent POI's. Have a look at the following guide for more information: How To Add Labels And Symbols To A Route Map
I am able to add a POI manually, one by one, by inserting in the directions for a route, which is a useful feature, but I am interested in adding nearby, off-route POIs, to e.g. services. This would be handy as both Adventure Cycling and Bikepacking Roots supply a "services" GPX file, and I'd like to see those points on the map, but don't want them on the directions. Also, I would like to transfer these points via my route FIT file so I see them on my Karoo map while I'm riding.