Navigation worked fine until we had to go “off track” for an unplanned detour. The track remained onscreen, and tracking resumed when the detour connected us back on track. However, we found a few miles later that the route had been recalculated. The new route got us to our destination, but it was not at all like I plotted it. At the same time the orientation of the map was skewed, no longer showing direction up. I rebooted the iPhone later, and everything was normal. Nothing had been permanently changed on my original map. If I had rebooted immediately after the route was re-drawn, could I have re-started PAR and gotten back to the original plan?
Hi John - I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean, as the navigation feature in our app doesn't have the ability to recalculate routes. Also, there shouldn't be any need to reboot your iPhone - if there is a probem with the app, it is best just to close it, reopen it and reselect the route you want to navigate.
I'll re-drive the route in the next few days. I don't have a screenshot of the app, but I plan to screenshot video the app running live. Maybe that will help solve the issue, or it may confirm I don't know what I'm doing.
In the meantime, here's how the route was plotted (in red), and the actual route (in blue/green):