Please see
In the "About" notes, I have a link to a web page, Is there any way to make this active, ie clickable, please?
Sorry Mark, this is a plain text field. You would need to post any links you want to share in the Comments section.
OK, understood
Maybe there's a bug ....
I post the following Comments:
Scottish Coast 1
Inspired by Jim Burke, Scotland Coastal Route
Modified based on previous Scottish cycle tours:
031, Scotland, Jul 2-12 2015
040, Scotland, Jun 29 - Jul 9 2017
046, Scotland, May 23 - Jun 2 2019
zzz, Scotland, Jul 5-17 2023
and it appears OK. I see it marked in My Routes.
However, if I then go back and press Edit (to copy the comment for another route), the entire comment disappears!
I think you might be looking at the wrong route Mark, or maybe if you used the Back button the page didn't refresh. Your comments are there on the following routes:
Yes, they are now. If I go to View Route, the comments are "fixed", ir there's no Edit available.
Repeating what I did originally, I added another comment.
I then click on the orange Edit .... the text appears, but when I click in the box .... it disappears!
Which does beg the question: when does the comment change from being editable to "fixed"?
Thanks Mark - I can see the issue now. We'll look into it and get that fixed, as that does look like a bug.
and how long are one's own comments editable, please?
That should be fixed now Mark. The latest comment you posted was previously editable for 20 minutes but we've now increased this to 24 hours.