I am not aware that you have published any details of how to search routes by name and therefore you are free to change it. However you seem to have recently changed things and URLs that recently worked no longer do.
I have a number of with names containing things like "SS CCC Destination" where CCC is fixed and identifies my routes (although obviously not exclusively) and Destination is variable. I had found out that spaces in route names are treated weirdly in searches (with good reason) but that an underscore would work. So a URL like "https://www.plotaroute.com/routes/all/popular/1&RouteName=_CCC_Nantwich" would work.
No longer. I now need to add "?RouteId=" before the RouteName and underscore will no longer work although a plus seems to. Is it possible to see some guidelines as to how this works.
The reason I am doing this is to provide URLs to non sophisticated users who don't understand plotaroute so that thay can pick a destination from a google map and I can them take them directly to all our existing routes to that place.
It would be nice if I could select by ?OwnerId or something similar.
Hi Colin,
We're not aware that we've chanaged anything here. To make things easier though, the best thing to do is to initially load the page to show just your routes. You can do this by going to your User Profile page (https://www.plotaroute.com/userprofile/90715) and clikcing on any of the "See All" links to see the full list of your public routes. Then you can enter the text you want to use the the Route Name filter. I tried "TOW" as I can see you have a number of routes starting with this and it worked OK. You can copy the link to these filtered results from the address bar or use one of the social sharing buttons at the bottom of the page. I've just spotted that the email button isn't working, so we'll get that fixed.
Thanks. The ability to use "?MappedBy" is just what I wanted and, I think, allows me to do just what I need.
There are a lot of seeming anomalies in the name parsing - the presence of spaces makes a significant difference. For instance, suppose I have a route called "AAA BBBCCC"; it can be found by searching for A, AA, AAA, B, BB, BBB. But not C, CC or CCC (because I think these are not the start of a word). But typing the following in the "ROUTE NAME CONTAINS... box" (without the quotes which I am using here for clarity) "A BB", "AA BB", "AA.BB", "AA+BB" and they will all find it.
Glad that helped. I think the search term needs to be a word or a phrase, rather than just a sequence of characters. For creating groups of similar routes though, it is better to use the Route Tag feature. Once you've tagged routes, you can share a list of routes with a given tag from your My Routes page.