As per title, can we have a real date listed on the created/modified column rather than 2 days ago, 4 months ago, etc.? Makes searching for something easier if I knew the month/week I created it. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestion Maryka. We'd be interested to know what others prefer - we don't want to change and then get lots of people saying they preferred it how it was!
The only suggestion I would make is to use the Windows "classic" format dd/mm/yyyy, ie make it absolute and consistent.
Yes. Real date always.
I realize now that I'm getting outside again that I can't wee when I created all my old maps.
Thanks for the feedback. We'll see if we can add the date somewhere. See also: Get the Creation Date for a Route
We've come up with a simple way of supporting both options for dates on the My Routes page. You can now choose to show either how along ago a route was created or the date it was created, by using the new check box in the column heading.
The date format itself can be changed on your My Settings page (available under the menus or by clicking the date of the first route in the list).
Sweet! Thank you so much for your prompt response!
Thank you!
Excellent!!!! :)