import coords of mtn summits from

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  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 27 Jan 2022 09:37:48

    You can import waypoints from a GPX file, as long as it also contains a track and the waypoints are within 100m of a trackpoint.

    The following is an example:

    <wpt lat="51.19154" lon="-3.22565">
    <trkpt lat="51.1915" lon="-3.22537"></trkpt>
    <trkpt lat="51.19154" lon="-3.22565"></trkpt>
    <trkpt lat="51.19157" lon="-3.22585"></trkpt>

    That's a good idea though Peter to look into extending this to support importing waypoints that are off-route. We'll add that to the list!

    Dave  - looks like you're going to be busy over the coming months!

  • Dave Thomas Thursday 27 Jan 2022 10:38:29

    "That's a good idea though Peter to look into extending this to support importing waypoints that are off-route. We'll add that to the list!"

    :-) #thumbsup! Using the 'template' approach for this, I have to have (as plotaroute admin suggested) one 2-point route present, before I can add the annotations for my summits.

    "Dave  - looks like you're going to be busy over the coming months!"

    Already done - 233 annotations added - look at the route I made public to see how it looks!

    Nice to chat and be given a hearing :-) :-)

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