Please see our announcement on Club Page Upgrade for an update on this.
Hi admin,
That sounds ideal - looking forward to it
Hi John,
Thanks! We dont have a way to bulk change the privacy status of your routes I'm afraid, but hold off for a few weeks as we're working on some changes to the club pages at the moment in response to feedback - a number of people have fed back that the same concern as you, that not all personal routes are relevant for club pages, so we're going to change the way they work. In future club members will only see routes on club pages that have been selected by club Admins as club routes.
This looks like a really useful feature, thanks!
Is there a way of making a bulk change to the public/private status of routes?
Many of my routes are frankly junk; doodles and near-repeats of other stuff. But most of them are public because, I dunno it seemed like a good idea at the time. I'd like to make most of them private and leave just the good stuff for sharing with my club.
At present up to 1000 club members can join a club page but we will review that limit if needed.
How many members can you cope with for any given club please?
As suggested below, we've now extended club pages to include a section for Featured Club Routes that are openly available everyone, including to non-members. When you select a club member's route to feature on the club page you can now choose if it should be for members only or everyone. Thanks again for this feedback.
That's great feedback, thanks Daniel. We can certainly look at adding this.
As a club we'd want to use a feature to make some of our routes shared to the public, as in it does not require membership in the club nor the secret Plotaroute club key to access them from the Club Plotaroute page:
- for example our open events and official races. All while maintaing the default and "normal" club events exclusive and available for members only, so content displayed above or below the "Member only area".
The setup could look like this:
Public Club Routes (New feature! Shown on the Club's landing/presentation page publicly.)
Featured Club Member Routes (Alreay exists! Requires club membership login for access.)
Club Member Routes (Already exists! Requires club membership login for access.)
In current implentation this option does not seem to exist, if I understand correctly.
Please consider for a next release! Thank you.
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Clubs section on Adding support for clubs and other groups has been one of our most requested new features, so we're very pleased to be able to introduce this.
Whether it's a running club, cycling club, walking group or any other type of club where you want to plan and share routes as a group, you can now create your own dedicated club page with a custom URL. Key features on the club page include:
Any of your club members who have a account can request to join the club’s page. If you wish, you can also provide access to club members who don’t have a account, using a private club access key that club Admins can set and share with club members separately.
All published club pages are listed on the new Browse Clubs page under the navigation menus.
To learn more, take a look at our detailed guide on How to use the features for clubs or if you're ready to jump straight in, create a club page for your club now.
Finally, we'd like to thank Windmill Cycle Club and Southampton CTC for their help with beta testing of our new club features.