Thanks. We've added this suggestion to our Feature Requests list (number 123) where people can vote for it.
It might be not always correct but a T5 is never rated as T3. This is a realy good indicator for hikers if they should take this route or not.
I'm using OsmAnd frequently on my phone and especially in areas I've never been before it's super useful.
You may can move this thread to the feature request forum.
Hi Stefan - sorry, we don't have these. It would be nice to add if the data is on OSM but I suspect the data availability is patchy.
is there a way to show the difficulty of a track? Like which section is T1, T2, T3 etc.
The Swiss SAC rating would be nice.
Is there a way to show a via ferrata?
Not sure if these features exists in plotaroute.