Total posts in this topic: 3
I've been having issues adding aid stations to a route I'm building for Cascade Crest and was curious if I'm missing something. On the elevation profile page, I used the "add custom labels" tab to add aid stations. After I was finished adding them, I went back to the map to see if they showed up, and there was nothing. When I returned to the elevation profile page, they were gone as well. I can't seem to find a save button on the profile page so I thought I'd reach out for help.
I know that I can add labels through the route planned via directions, but it's a much bigger pain in the ass to do so, and was hoping to use the feature on the elevation profile page.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can share.
The custom labels added in the Route Profile tool are only designed to be temporary annotations that you can add before printing or downloading an image of the route profile. If you want them to be saved with the route, you would need to add them to the route directions in the route planner. The only other way to reload custom labels added in the Route Prorfile tool is to keep a copy of the link used to share the profile when you click SHARE - this link includes details about the labels so when you click on it it will reload them.
One other thing that might be useful to know - you can click on the hill profile in the route planner to add labels or other notes at a particular point on the route such as a summit.
Thanks for the intel! I will proceed accordinly. :)