After I logged out and in again it took me to the right place.
That's really odd. I can see that it is saved correctly on our database and when I sign into your account and select that bookmarked location it works fine for me. Can you try exiting the route planner and then going back into to it and selecting it the bookmarked location from the list again? If that doesn't work, can you let me know which browser you are using please?
I just made a video of it. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Can you check it out.
WeTransfer link:
Video bookmark
Grtz, Jorphi
Thanks for reporting this. We can't seem to be able to reproduce the problem here though. Can you give it another try?
When I bookmark a place and I click on it afterwards it points to an whole other place. At this moment i try to bookmark a place in Italy and afterwards it bring me to Russia!